Planning, Master Planning & Urban Design
Good planning can balance the economic, social and environmental factors arising from the development for the common good. It can integrate and align land use, transport and development objectives to create places that are successful, profitable and flexible into the future and give people an attractive environment in which to live in, work and play.
New urban development requires master planning as, at its heart, urban, commercial and campus master planning is a strategic process of understanding, optioneering, aligning and managing the future needs of the client, site and facility and facility assets. A rounded, vigorous master plan can unlock any sites capability and harness new opportunity. A critical aspect of master planning activity is working with the client to understand their existing operations, immediate concerns and potential future opportunities.
Through master planning and urban design work we aim to design:
- Master plans conducive with the aspirations of development plans
- Create master plans which are places of distinctive character, well integrated with surrounding areas, socially diverse and can accommodate a variety of activities.
- Buildings which are well designed, clear as to their purpose and make a positive contribution to their surroundings.
- Open spaces which are sheltered, carefully located and well overlooked and are attractive to a wide range of age groups.
- A street network which is safe for walking, cycling and driving and which brings a sense of unity and elegance to the wider area.
Our Planning, Master Planning and Urban Design activities involve: -
- Submissions to Planning Authorities for appropriate zoning of land in new Development Plans or at variations to existing plans.
- Development of framework/master plans for the regeneration of brown field land or for the creation of new neighbourhoods in urban and rural contexts.
- Management of the planning application process from inception to conclusion. This could run from pre-planning negotiations with statutory bodies to set the agenda for the project right through to the submission or response to planning appeals or representing the client at oral hearings or court proceedings.
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